I think everyone is going to enjoy Sub-Flight Systems being added to G5E! they more or less operate as smaller MS Carriers that are akin to 5e’s Mounts! as well as the first new Sub-Class for Fighter, the Aggressor!
New Mobile Suits:
- RMS-106C Hizack Cannon
- RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam (Incomplete)
- RX-80PR Pale Rider BST
- RGZ-91B Re-GZ Custom
- RX-80RR Red Rider
New Warships/Support Vehicles:
- Heavy Lift Vehicle
- Tivvay-Class
- Chivvay Kai-Class
- Salamis Kai (0083 Refit)-Class
- Dodai YS
- Base Jabber
New Upgrades/Weapons:
- MS Catapult
- ARES System
New Sub-Class:
- Aggressor
New Feats:
- Battle Scarred
- Charmer