Hi gang, Hatter here. Last year I took a step back from working on Gundam 5e as a tabletop game for a number of reasons and handed development over to our friend Legion to work on. You can see the full announcement here:
Legion was an excellent steward and diligent in adding much needed enhancements to the game while I enjoyed a peaceful retirement from tabletop and renewed focus on Gunpla. Since then Legion found, as I had, that Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, while easy to build with, fails to truly capture the kind of Gundam themed roleplaying we really wanted to embrace. As a result he has moved on to work on his own Gundam tabletop conversion based on Essence 20, the Renegade Game Studios system behind Power Rangers & Transformers RPGs. You can check out his progress here: https://discord.gg/3R9hbnzz
Conveniently (or inconveniently) enough, the “gundam5e.com” domain name was set to expire this year and since I wasn’t developing for it anymore I was inclined to let it and all the plugins I pay for to support the site expire. In the past I had put ads on the site and had a Patreon tier specific to supporting Gundam 5e that didn’t even cover the cost of hosting but I got rid of them since the ads were unsightly and the Patreon tier was the least supported of the content and projects I share.
While I don’t want to go back to supporting Gundam 5e, I also didn’t want all the work I had put into the site, the SEO and the links from my various social channels to go to waste (I’ve had old YouTube videos get flagged and I was threatened with channel termination over Astral VTT’s website lapsing and becoming an illegal gambling site, but that’s another story). So to that end I am keeping Gundam5e.com alive for now with the caveat that it is going to change quite a bit. I will restore all the missing data, the MS stats, the resources, etc. and move them to a subfolder on the website while dedicating the new Gundam5e.com primarily to the revival of official Gundam games that are out of print. I have been translating a number of board games and roleplaying games that I will share here along with proxy game pieces where necessary as well as a bunch of niche Gundam gaming content.
This will be something of a side project to me as my main focus remains on launching my own games and a store for 3d printed minis, Gunpla parts and accessories, and miniature electronic applications. I will even offer print services for those who want 3d printed proxies for the various games I am translating.
TL;DR: Stay tuned for unofficial fan translations of official out of print Gundam games and content to be hosted on Gundam5e.com. Gundam 5e game materials will be relegated to “unsupported content,” but remain available for those interested.